Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Remember to Breathe

Do you find your arms get exhausted from just paddling out. so that when the set comes you're too tired to go for the wave?

The secret is to... Breathe!

When we go for a run we are aware of our breath to help us run faster, longer and without injury. The same should apply to paddling, this will get you gliding out the back with minimum effort and maximum result.

When you're in yoga and you feel resistance from your body, what does your yoga teacher remind you? Breathe! Sure enough after a few moments the body has adapted and ready to be challenged again.

Breath is life force, it gives us access to really be in the moment. The muscles love to be oxygenated. The deeper the breath the more oxygen our muscles have access to.

When your arms are burning, breathe...
When that wave looks like it is about to crash on your head but you can see with a few more paddles you can get over the top, breathe and paddle!
When you're about to get dumped, take a big breath, relax, let the turmoil of the white water above pass, find the surface and breathe.
When you're paddling for the wave and feel like you're not going to make it, breathe.

And when you're riding the wave, enjoy the moment, your body, mind and spirit will be super stoked from the super oxygenated state!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Inviting Change Through Practicing Yoga

A great insight into the transformational power of Yoga by Sally Kempton: 

"I'm convinced that when you start practicing yoga and meditation, you invite major changes into your life. 

Those changes start from within: Maybe your practice alters the way you define personal integrity; maybe it unleashes deep longings in your heart or shows you truths you've been hiding from yourself. 

Soon, these inner shifts seep into your external life. They make you question the way you do things, and then nudge you to live life differently."

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Discovering Happiness

Everyone is looking for happiness, but what is the secret to happiness? IN his book "Stumbling Upon Happiness", Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert did extensive research into what truly makes people happy. Though family, friends, achievements, security, and nice house and car did seem to make people happy, the biggest happiness cam from Giving To Others.

This may surprise you. Why not test it out for yourself. When you 'pay it forward" and "live to Give" the surprise gift is the joy you will receive.

Look for opportunities to give to others today. Here are some ideas: 

  • Give by teaching and sharing your knowledge
  • Offer to share a task
  • Offer encouragement
  • Give someone a compliment
  • Help someone who needs assistance
  • Practice being really present when someone is talking to you
  • Fully accept someone without trying to improve or change them
  • Give away stuff you don't need to charity
  • Give someone a hug and a smile!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Search for Finding Balance

I think the one statement I have heard most on the retreats, other than “this has been my best vacation ever!” has been at the beginning where most of the women I meet tell me they are “looking for more balance in their lives”.

The funny thing about balance is that it’s not something that once it is attained, you can just lock it in and there you go…balanced for life. Oh, if it were only that easy!

Balance is something that must be worked at daily, even hourly. That got me to wondering over the years about the nature of balance and how it can be achieved, and more importantly, sustained.

Also why is it when people are seeking balance they go to such extremes to find it? I have been known to do this by going on silent juice fasting meditation retreats for days on end to find enlightenment, drinking gallons of cranberry juice a day to flush my liver, or better yet the dreaded cabbage soup to drop a few kilos followed by grueling workouts boot camp style.  It’s not surprising then to understand that I was never able to find balance through those avenues.

Any balance I have achieved in my life thus since has been through doing something known as following “the middle way”, a Buddhist philosophy that advocates everything in moderation. A wonderfully simple, yet not so easy to employ concept for a woman who has been evolving over many years from originally a very ‘all or nothing’ type personality.

That journey led me to create Surf Goddess Retreats and our program, which I have purposefully made to be very balanced. There’s activity and effort, accompanied with lots of lush pampering and relaxation, there’s healthy food smattered with delightful doses of decadent sweetness, and even worse ‘fat content’!

I always laugh at the welcome dinner when the ladies I am next to exclaim with dismay after tucking into a fulfilling portion of wholesome organic food, followed by a delish (but healthy dessert) “oh no I am never going to lose weight on this trip!” The funny thing though is that they don’t gain any either. As I said, it’s all about finding the right balance.

Now I would generally consider my life style to be pretty healthy. It’s lucky being involved the retreats, as that means I eat healthy foods, I surf regularly, and you must know I indulge in pampering on a regular basis! However, I am also known for having a sweet tooth and a fond appreciation of wine! 

Plus I also have to admit that running a successful business which is as hands on as our retreats means I can be time poor and find it hard to incorporate, in a consistent way, all the components I know would take my wellbeing to the next level. As a woman who has always put the highest value on continual personal evolution, this is a lifelong commitment I am always redefining as I attain each goal.

It is said that when the student is ready the teacher appears, and so I was delighted when I was serendipitously introduced to international best selling author Jane Scrivner. I was very inspired by her book “Detox Yourself” as it was the first book on cleansing I have read (and I have read A LOT) that had  what I felt to be achievable practices that could be incorporate into life on a long term basis. 

Before I knew it, I found myself in England, in an absolutely gorgeous area near Stratford Upon Avon starting a weeklong cleanse following Jane’s program in her book. I was so impressed after a week of actually doing the detox I asked Jane to be our retreat's consulting Wellness Director, and she wonderfully agreed to share her extensive knowledge and wisdom with us.

Even though it was a relatively short cleanse I felt fantastic, well at least after the first few days of feeling rather lethargic as my body released some of it’s toxins! What amazed me the most was how simple and easy it was, and I didn’t feel deprived. The light bulb went off in my head…I felt I could actually keep this up for a long time, perhaps even a lifetime!

Jane was quick to assure me that while aiming for perfection in the program is a wonderful goal, even just by keeping up 80% of the actions she recommends would be enough to notice a huge difference in my daily life.  I left feeling motivated and ready to move my wellbeing to the next level, and for me that means consistency and making it a natural part of my everyday life.

To ingrain a habit they say it takes 21 days, so now that I have arrived back in Bali and ‘real life’ I want to cement these wellbeing practices into my day. I have never attempted a cleanse of this length and, short of being cloistered somewhere with no temptations to distract and disrupt me, never thought I would try one on my own.

But I have come to realize that there is never a good time to do a longer cleanse. There is always going to be work, dinner parties, travelling and the rest of life that will stand in the way of doing it perfectly, so I have decided I am going to do it imperfectly!

I am going to follow the full 30 day detox that Jane’s lays out in her book, and I am going to document my successes, shortcomings, musings and whatever else comes up on my journey.

For those of you coming on the retreats soon, you get to walk beside me as I go through the process and experience some of it first hand as we have already started to incorporate Jane’s recipes, plus health and beauty practices into our cuisine & spa program.

I invite you to come along for the ride too, either by reading how I am doing, or even by following along and doing the detox with me. You can pick up a copy of Jane’s book via Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Detox-Yourself-Feel-Difference-Days/dp/074992828X/ref=dp_ob_title_bk), plus we will be offering excerpts and recipes along the way from her book as I go through the cleanse.

Please feel free to post any comments or questions you may have, as I am very excited to be sharing this learning and growth experience with you all.

Wish me luck!

Shell-sea  (Mermaid in Charge @ Surf Goddess Retreats)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Soul Surfing - Move Someday to Today

Someday is the magic moment many of us point to when we will be happy, when we will finally have enough money, finally have a better job, better health and will finally achieve our dreams.

The reality is that 'someday' won't just appear out of nowhere. We have to do more than just wish for changes to happen in our lives.

If you want to change your life, change your mind.

We can not change the past. the future is not yet written, all we can do is live life to the fullest RIGHT NOW.

Your Action Pan:

Take a moment today to think about what you want to change in your life. Make a list of the changes that you want to make and list them in order of importance.

Tape that list to your bathroom mirror so you see them everyday.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Keep Healthy and Hydrated

Some people are afraid of surfing because they feel it's a risky business, but actually it's the mundane little things that can pose the most problems in the surf. A common one we see here in the tropics is sun burn and dehydration.

We are made up of roughly 70% water and while we could live a long time without food (as Gandhi proved) we can only live a few days with out water.

Now with so many choices of beverages to choose from such as specialty coffees, energy drinks and juices, we forget that these don't actually 'hydrate' our body and most people are chronically dehydrated and don't even know it.

It is the brain that is the first place in the body to become dehydrated. 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy thinking. Lack of water is the number one reason for day time fatigue.  Dehydrated brain equals poor concentration, fuzzy thinking and mood swings, plus it can show up in other dramatic ways such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, body aches, lethargy and headaches - much like having the flu!

Take a bottle of water wherever you go

That's why we make sure we provide our guests with strong sun block and lots of fresh spring water throughout our surf lessons and at the villa, and encourage our guest's to drink, drink, drink...water that is!

10 tips and reasons for getting and staying hydrated:

1: Detox with Water: Muscles are 75% water, blood around 83% water, and bones 22% water. Water is essential for carrying waste material out of the body. It’s involved in nearly every body process including digestion, absorption, circulation and excretion.  It’s vital in transporting nutrients throughout the body.

2: How much water: Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day (about 1.9 liters).  This may vary of course during hot weather (like being in the tropics) and when your doing physical activities like surfing.

3: Stay hydrated at night: Keep water beside your bed.

4: Carry a water bottle: One of the simplest ways to keep a fresh supply of water flowing throughout your muscles, blood, brain and bones is to carry a water bottle everywhere with you.

5:  Eat your water: Fruit is 90% water.  Grapes and oranges can be as high as 98%  water content. My favorite fruit snacks at the moment are strawberries and grapes.

6: Natures Sports Drinks: Young coconut water, Watermelon, cucumber, honeydew and cantaloupe are an excellent source of water, sugar and electrolytes. 

7: Add flavor to your water: In case you get bored with the taste of water add a slice of lemongrass or some raspberries and rose petals (a favorite at our retreats). Studies have shown that people drink 45% more water when flavored.

Add Fruit to your water to mix up the flavour!

8: Hot Water Or Ginger Tea: In Winter when its not so easy to drink water, enjoy sipping on plain hot water or spice it up with a slice of ginger. Hot water removes toxins, has a hormone balancing effect and warms your digestive organs according to Ayurvedic Medicine.

9: Drink and Lose Weight: Water is an absolutely essential element during your fat burning program or diet. The reasons you should drink water to lose weight are simple. On average, water makes up 60% of your total body weight. Additionally, your muscles consist of approximately 70% of your muscles. Therefore, drinking sufficient water is necessary to keep your body functioning efficiently.

10: Check in with your body: If you are too busy living “in your head” you can easily forget about the basic needs of your body.  Stop, take a few deep breaths and ask your body if its thirty. Often our body confuses thirst for hunger, so before you reach for the snacks have a big glass of water first.

Surf Goddess Retreats

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Soul Surfing - Thoughts and Musings

"With surfing, as in life, there is a time to use your power and there is a time to let go. 

The wisdom lies in knowing what time it is."

Copyright 2011 - 'Shellsea' - Surf Goddess Retreats

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bali's Day of Silence and Renewal

Bali is a fascinating island and has it’s own unique form of Hinduism that is only found in this very special place. Living a spiritual lifestyle is paramount to the Balinese and keeping in harmony with all the gods and goddesses that rule and protect the different aspects of life.

This means that there are daily offerings of incense and flowers to the deities that cover the shrines, doorsteps to homes and shops and bring a bit of beauty to each day and connect us with the divine.

Simple Daily Balinese Offernig

Ceremonies also play an important part of life in Bali and my favorite is Nyepi (pronounce nippy).  This is the Hindu New Year in the Bali Island of Indonesia. The New Year is observed as ‘a day of silence’ as Nyepi symbolically represents the state of the universe before creation.

Nyepi 2011 date is March 5. Bali Hindu New Year is based on lunar calendar. The festival is marked by numerous rituals and pujas and is spread over four days.

The most important ritual associated with Nyepi is the bathing of village deities in the sea (Melasti).
Long trains of villagers carry offerings and sacred objects from their temples down to the ocean for purification these statues and effigies are symbols that help to concentrate the mind in order to become closer to God. The ceremony is aimed to clean all nature and its content, and also to take the Amerta (the source for eternal life) from the ocean or other water resources (i.e. lake, river, etc). 

Melasti Ceremony

Today, the night that Nyepi starts there will be another type of ceremony. This time all villages in Bali hold a large exorcism ceremony at the main village cross road, which is known to be the meeting place of demons. They usually make Ogoh-ogohs (pronounced oga-oga). These are elaborately made 8 – 10 paper machet Monsters and daemons.

The giant ogoh-ogoh towers over the crowd

 The Ogoh-ogoh monsters symbolize the evil spirits surrounding our environment that have to be got rid of from our lives. The carnivals themselves are held all over Bali following sunset. Bleganjur, a Balinese gamelan music accompanies the procession. Some are giants taken from classical Balinese lore. All have fangs, bulging eyes and scary hair and are illuminated by torches.

Everyone enjoys the carnival and in the evening, the Hindus celebrating Ngerupuk, start making noises and light burning torches and set fire to the Ogoh-ogoh in order to get the Bhuta Kala, evil spirits, out of our lives, and basically scare the evil off the island.

Ogoh-ogohs are meant to scare away bad spirits...this one would scare anything!

That night everyone goes home and for the next day and night stay at home in  introspection by limiting their daily activities to give nature a chance to rest. Just one day. And it is a total rest for  Nyepi is incomparable to any other holiday in the world because on Nyepi day itself, every street is quiet - there are nobody doing their normal daily activities. The only people allowed out are the Pecalangs (traditional Balinese security man) who control and checks for street security. The Pecalangs main task is to stop any activities that disturb Nyepi.

No traffic is allowed – not even flights as the airport is closed, not only cars but also people, who have to stay in their own houses. Light is kept to a minimum or not at all, the radio or TV is turned down and, of course, no one works.

I was told that this was not only to give the mind and nature a rest, but also because the following day the evil spirits that were scared off the island the night before are now out searching the islands to find a place with inhabitants to put their devilish influences upon. When they come back to Bali they see that there is no one here and go off to trouble some other place in the world.

It’s easy to believe that Bali has been purified during Nyepi as it is a wonderfully peaceful day. It’s amazing to just sit in the garden and all you can hear are birds, the wind and the ocean. Even the dogs in the neighborhood are silent and the background hum of passing traffic, that normally doesn’t register, is conspicuously absent.

Also because it is held on a dark moon, I love to go out on my balcony and look out over the pitch black and silent landscape and up to the stars that are out in all their glory. It’s hard not to feel the wonderful peace of a universe at rest. Nyepi offers a deep psychic reprieve, a cosmic sigh for all of us here.
The day afterwards when we all emerge from our seclusion, I feel a tangible calmness that underlies the island; even tough we are all back to work doing our normal daily lives.

Making offerings to the sea

Observing Nyepi really is a wonderful way to start the Balinese New Year  with a refreshed mind and spirit.
In fact yogis have been putting aside time for rest and reflection for centuries by taking themselves on silent retreats and it is this spirit of self renewal that I wanted to embrace when starting Surf Goddess Retreats.

While we are definitely not silent on our retreats, and there is a lot of fun activity both in the surf and on land, the underlying heart of the retreat is to be a restorative time in a uplifiting space where we can all come to reconnect and refill to our inner well of strength, calm and beauty, to emerge again and bring the best of ourselves back out into the world.

Om Swastiastu
(Balinese for ‘May God Bless You)

Copyright 2011 Surf Goddess Retreats

Monday, February 14, 2011

Go Where You Are Loved

Around Valentine’s Day I have noticed people get really hung up on LOVE, who’s got it, who hasn’t, do I have enough, is it the right kind, are they the ONE?

Since learning the ‘Surf Goddess Way’ many years ago, I don’t get flustered about that sort of thing. I realize that there is no shortage of love, in fact it is in abundance everywhere if you know where to look.

I’d like to share the secret to always having enough love in your life today, by passing on one of the most significant pieces of advice I have ever been given. 

It’s simple wisdom can profoundly change your life if you follow it. It changed mine.

“Go where you are loved”

How often do we stay in relationships and situations that don’t honor ourselves. This doesn’t just mean romantic relationships. It can include work places that take you for granted, friends who treat you shabbily or family that criticize and put you down.

Take a moment to reflect on your current relationships. Do you have any that are, quickly or slowly, breaking your heart or your spirit? 

Another way to look at your relationships is like two people in a row boat if you were to look up would you be the only one rowing?  Worse yet has the other person jumped ship and you just haven’t noticed it yet?
If this is true then it’s time to move on and go where you are loved.

So how do I do this, you ask?

Take another moment to reflect on the people in your life who you know care about you, who you feel great around and have a wonderful rapport with. Those are the people who deserve to be at the center of your life, the ones that you need to ‘shower with love’, as my favorite James Taylor song goes.

Receiving love starts with giving it.

It just makes sense that you aren’t going to have much love in your life if your giving all yours away to those who are incapable of, or aren’t interested in returning it. 

It takes self-love to leave these situations, but ultimately it’s a lot less painful than leaving nail marks on relationships that are over. Most times it’s as simple as just letting go and stop ‘rowing the boat’.

Those who don’t really value (love) you will usually fade quietly into the background as you turn your focus to all the wonderful people in your life.

Go where you are loved and when you arrive, don’t just sit there and ask those wonderful souls to love you, it’s a two way street, so give out your love and care in as many ways as you can.  

When this happens you will experience profoundly rewarding relationships where everybody involved feels great and helps each other grow on many different levels.

So don’t wait…go where you are loved today and enjoy a wonderful journey!

Copyright Surf Goddess Retreats 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Musings on Being Authentic

"The best beauty treatment in the world is a genuine smile"

How often do we get so concerned with what other people think about us?

To truly be happy we need to take off the bright and shiney masks that we wear and be true to ourselves.

Your 'True Self' is far greater and beatiful than you can imagine.

Some people fear that their 'True Self' will be weaker, smaller and less impressive than the mask they show the world; but there is a natural elegance and humility that is exuded by authentic people, and it's actually very 'attractive' in this modern world of fake images and constructed personalities.

By speaking and acting from your heart, rather than just saying and doing what others want, you will re-connect with your passion for life. This passion can't be manufactured and it will naturally arise when you start living from your own internal compass.

Now a bit of advice... when you choose to be authentic and to follow the guidance of your own Truth, other people around you may show resistance...but whose life is it anyway? You deserve to live yours to the fullest!

It's time to show the world your authentic self.

Copyright  2011 - http://www.surfgoddessretreats.com