Monday, February 14, 2011

Go Where You Are Loved

Around Valentine’s Day I have noticed people get really hung up on LOVE, who’s got it, who hasn’t, do I have enough, is it the right kind, are they the ONE?

Since learning the ‘Surf Goddess Way’ many years ago, I don’t get flustered about that sort of thing. I realize that there is no shortage of love, in fact it is in abundance everywhere if you know where to look.

I’d like to share the secret to always having enough love in your life today, by passing on one of the most significant pieces of advice I have ever been given. 

It’s simple wisdom can profoundly change your life if you follow it. It changed mine.

“Go where you are loved”

How often do we stay in relationships and situations that don’t honor ourselves. This doesn’t just mean romantic relationships. It can include work places that take you for granted, friends who treat you shabbily or family that criticize and put you down.

Take a moment to reflect on your current relationships. Do you have any that are, quickly or slowly, breaking your heart or your spirit? 

Another way to look at your relationships is like two people in a row boat if you were to look up would you be the only one rowing?  Worse yet has the other person jumped ship and you just haven’t noticed it yet?
If this is true then it’s time to move on and go where you are loved.

So how do I do this, you ask?

Take another moment to reflect on the people in your life who you know care about you, who you feel great around and have a wonderful rapport with. Those are the people who deserve to be at the center of your life, the ones that you need to ‘shower with love’, as my favorite James Taylor song goes.

Receiving love starts with giving it.

It just makes sense that you aren’t going to have much love in your life if your giving all yours away to those who are incapable of, or aren’t interested in returning it. 

It takes self-love to leave these situations, but ultimately it’s a lot less painful than leaving nail marks on relationships that are over. Most times it’s as simple as just letting go and stop ‘rowing the boat’.

Those who don’t really value (love) you will usually fade quietly into the background as you turn your focus to all the wonderful people in your life.

Go where you are loved and when you arrive, don’t just sit there and ask those wonderful souls to love you, it’s a two way street, so give out your love and care in as many ways as you can.  

When this happens you will experience profoundly rewarding relationships where everybody involved feels great and helps each other grow on many different levels.

So don’t wait…go where you are loved today and enjoy a wonderful journey!

Copyright Surf Goddess Retreats 2011

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